Thursday 30 May 2013

Diet Plan ‘Restrictions of Foods’

Fat Loss Factor Program - Any diet can restricts the amount of food we eat will work, but only so long as you will take.

Once you fall out of the routine (and that will happen for sure, because you cannot eat only eggs and grapefruit for a month) you should be back to old eating habits and not only regain weight, you have lost during a diet, but they will come to you even more. This process is called yo-yo effect and results from the so-called response to the hunger strike. Fat Loss Factor Review by Michael Allen;

The response to hunger strike - Long ago, our ancestors roamed the plains in search of food. They hunted, gathered, and conducted attacks killed. Michael Allen Fat Loss Factor EBook by Michael Allen;

When food was plentiful and when it was missing, to be able to live as long as possible during the limited consumption of food, nature has provided those with a mechanism called a response to the hunger strike.

 That reaction meant that at times when not enough food, our ancestors slowed metabolism and fat reserves sufficient for longer, so that they could survive until food is again smooth. When the availability of food to grow, their bodies accumulates fat again and releases the excess calories was immediately converted into adiposities, in the event of subsequent food shortages. Fat Loss Factor Review Free Download;

This reaction was very important in the past, and although we no longer hunt or gather, and we have virtually unlimited supply of food, our bodies have the same instincts and if you eat less food, the body still goes into starvation mode. For more info go to the Fat Loss Factor Review Program by Michael Allen."

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